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杜比 是否都是为了提供出色的音频体验, 以及最近在洛杉矶举行的流媒体西部展, 它证明了 杜比数字+ 环绕声音频编解码器增加了在线娱乐.

杜比在线服务高级总监, 约翰·格里芬, 接受了红毯采访,解释了为什么杜比数字+将很快出现在比以往更多的移动设备上.

"Recently we announced a deal with Microsoft for Windows 8 and that's now just been launched into the market so application developers from Windows 8 whether they're developing a desktop mode application or a Windows 8 app can leverage the 杜比数字+ technology with Microsoft Media Foundation,格里芬说。. "We've also as well just announced that we're supported in the Amazon Kindle Fire HD and so that's a great device that's just now released into the marketplace getting great reviews on the audio."

What's surprising about 杜比数字+ is that 杜比 is able to deliver a vivid surround sound experience through the tiny speakers of a mobile device or through a pair of headphones.

"The Kindle Fire HD for example includes 杜比数字+ technology that will take the multi-channel stream being provided by the service and actually render it back to be delivered in immersive surround headphone experience if the user has on headphones,格里芬解释道. "It also provides an immersive experience over speakers and provides some loudness management to ensure that dialogue is really intelligible and all the subtleties in the mix really come through even from a device such as this Kindle Fire HD here that is very thin with very small speakers."

欲了解更多关于杜比数字+的信息,并亲身体验,请观看下面的视频. 格里芬播放杜比数字加环绕声剪辑在最后.

特洛伊: 嗨,我是特洛伊德雷尔,流媒体高级副编辑.我从红毯上向你走来. 今天和我在一起的是杜比在线服务高级总监约翰·格里芬. 约翰,告诉我,杜比在这个流媒体在线娱乐生态系统中的作用是什么.

约翰: 是的 so 杜比 works very closely with the entire ecosystem to ensure content can make it across these distribution channels to a range of different connected devices and preserve the quality of the audio all the way through. 因此,我们与许多正在迁移的流媒体提供商合作, have already migrated or are migrating to HD video and as part of that they want to offer premium multichannel surround sound as well. 我们目前的合作伙伴包括Netflix, HBO Go, 百思买电影院, Dixon's know - how Movies, 而在美国.K. Acetrak也在欧洲, 苹果的iTunes服务, 亚马逊的即时视频服务, 还有其他一些. So what these services have in common is they don't want to compromise on the experience for their consumers and so 杜比 technology is enabling them to deliver a true HD experience with immersive audio all the way through.

特洛伊: 太棒了,杜比是消费者所熟知的名字. 杜比在流媒体西部展示了什么?

约翰: 是的, here at 流媒体 West we're updating some of our partners on some new developments we've done to ensure 杜比数字+ the technology that's primarily being adopted for online content and to show that it can be used in new delivery standards such as MPEG DASH so we've participated in a DASH panel earlier. We highlighted some of the work we've done to prepare test factors for MPEG DASH and technical specifications and our role with the DASH industry forum and of course being part of the DASH 264 profile to let partners know that we're ready to go with the latest streaming formats and our technology works elegantly within that.

特洛伊: 那么哪些新设备支持杜比数字+呢?

约翰: 如今,大约有10亿台消费类设备支持杜比数字技术,所以这几年来它确实在不断发展. 它为在线服务提供商提供了非常广泛的体验. 它支持整个playstation 3, XBOX 360, 都是蓝光播放器, 绝大多数的联网电视. 因此,许多在线服务已经在使用这项技术将内容分发到客厅, 你知道, 我盯着电视屏幕好长一段时间了. We've done a lot of work to enable technology on mobile devices as well and we've reached a few critical milestones in that regard. Recently we announced a deal with Microsoft for Windows 8 and that's now just been launched into the market so application developers from Windows 8 whether they're developing a desktop mode application or a Windows 8 app can leverage the 杜比数字+ technology with Microsoft Media Foundation. We've also as well just announced that we're supported in the Amazon Kindle Fire HD and so that's a great device that's just now released into the marketplace getting great reviews on the audio. 杜比在这些设备上的作用是非常独特的. Of course a consumer can connect a Windows 8 machine or a Kindle Fire HD to a home theater system and as 杜比数字+ content is distributed to these devices they can get a traditional home theater surround sound experience. 然而,真正引人注目的是杜比数字+可以为耳机和扬声器播放做什么. The Kindle Fire HD for example includes 杜比数字+ technology that will take the multi-channel stream being provided by the service and actually render it back to be delivered in immersive surround headphone experience if the user has on headphones. It also provides an immersive experience over speakers and provides some loudness management to ensure that dialogue is really intelligible and all the subtleties in the mix really come through even from a device such as this Kindle Fire HD here that is very thin with very small speakers. So the technology has been optimized particularly for multiscreen distribution so that as you send out 杜比数字+ content to a range of playback devices for different consumer use cases the playback solution will intelligently adapt that content to deliver the quality and the intended experience all the way through. 所以很明显,最好的演示是我们能让观众近距离接触设备, but we'll go to a clip that's encoded in 杜比数字+ and we'll show what's possible with this technology on this device over headphones so if your users have headphones on while they're watching this video they'll get a great experience...

特洛伊: 这看起来很棒,听起来也很棒.

约翰: 谢谢.

特洛伊: 约翰,谢谢你和我一起走上红毯.

约翰: 谢谢,特洛伊.

特洛伊: 这是特洛伊·德雷尔在流媒体西部的红毯上向你走来.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


High-quality audio makes online video look even better; consumers can now expect multichannel surround sound experiences.